How Many Cycles of IVF Do You Need Before You Succeed?

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Normally, a lot of women want to have children. Still, if they come to the realization that they are unable to get pregnant, this can come as a shock. Luckily, IVF is a solution but even with it, you aren’t guaranteed to succeed, at least not necessarily during the first cycle.

This then sets the question: How many IVF cycles does one need before being able to become a mother? Read the article on and you will be able to find out.

What Are the Overall Chances of Success?

Before you start the IVF cycles, it’s very important to not overlook the importance of several factors. All of them can influence the success rate of your procedure, either positively or negatively.

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For instance, one thing to look at is your age. The younger you are, the higher the chances of having a successful IVF become. That being said, your chances of getting pregnant decline with age, even if in the latest years, there has been fertility treatment available. This has allowed families to have babies even at an older age.

If you’re younger than 35, you have the highest chances of succeeding. This is when fertility is high enough and IVF can show positive results. Once you pass that age, the percentage slowly goes down. Moreover, if you’re older than 42, the success rate of IVF is 4%.

How Many Cycles of IVF Are Enough?

According to a fertility guideline by NICE, the number of cycles you need to perform depend on the amount of time you’ve been trying to conceive and your age. That being said, if you’ve been trying without success for at least two years, IVF cycles will be needed. If you’re younger than 40 years old, 3 cycles are required, but if you’re between 40 and 42 and you have never undergone such a procedure before, one full cycle is recommended.

Apparently, 3 IVF cycles are a good option because it’s not only the most clinically effective way for women below 40, but also the most cost-effective one. Women look at these success rates as being about 20-35% per each cycle. However, the percentage can become lower with each round. By doing three rounds of IVF, the percentage rate will grow to 45-53%, which is instantly preferred when trying to get pregnant.

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Are There Any Risks of Multiple IVF Cycles?

Having more IVF attempts is a route that many women might choose when they feel desperate seeing how pregnancy tests give negative results. While a few cycles might not be harmful, too many of them can have bad effects on your health.

For instance, some researchers have said that there may be a correlation between IVF and heart disease. It’s partially true, but mostly because people with heart issues might already have lower chances of pregnancy. As such, it doesn’t mean IVF is the one causing these problems in the first place.

Probably one underlying risk that comes with IVF is the fact that it causes hormonal side effects in some women. It might also cause Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome or multiple births.


On average, three IVF cycles should be enough for you to get pregnant, particularly if you’re under 40 years old. Make sure you do your best to support the process and don’t overdo it, or else there may be consequences.