Whether you’re a photographer, a hiker or an enthusiast, the United States of America has plenty of different animals roaming free for you to find. From birds to fish to mammals, there is something for everyone and we’ve made a list of the best places to find them.

Custer State Park
If you’re curious to track a mountain lion, this could be the place for you, although you are most likely to only see their tracks. Game is more abundant in this South Dakotan park. Bison sightings are virtually guaranteed, with other animals like the bighorn sheep, prairie dogs, and the white-tailed deer sightings also on the cards. Check out https://feedthatgame.com to find out more about the white-tailed deer.

Tongass National Forest
This beautiful national forest is the largest in the United States in the state of Alaska, and is the perfect place to spot grizzly and black bears. Not for the faint-hearted, take your wits, your camera and your bear spray with you.
Tongass is a coastal rainforest, possibly the most impressive in the world, and you will spot bald eagles galore.
If you are also a fan of the ocean, hang around the coast for long enough, you may spot a wealth of marine life. Humpback whales and orcas swim around here and, when salmon is in season, the waters are filled with these fish.

Katahdin Region Baxter State Park
Situated in Maine, this reserve is half a million acres and a hotspot for moose. Also, there are many marshes and bogs which are great places to spot wet-living creatures such as beavers, muskrats, river otters, and raccoons.
Additionally, if you are an artist, the park has a rich history for supporting artistry within its borders. This is a wonderful place to pick up a paintbrush and let the valleys and wilderness inspire you.

Yellowstone National Park
Which list would be complete without Yellowstone? This is a spectacular backdrop to spot grey wolves and an all-around treat for the eyes.
Grey wolves were absent from Yellowstone for 70 years after hunting policies were decimated by farmers protecting their land and livestock. Today, there are around 100 wolves after they were reintroduced, and the sight and sound of them is magnificent.
You can also watch out for bison, elk and wild horses and, if you want an adventure just as spine-tingling but more guaranteed, then there is the volcano just waiting for you. The volcano has its own precious ecosystem of life, including algae that can survive in the extreme heat in the volcano’s caldera.

Glacier National Park
Located in Montana, this is the crown of the country on the Canadian border and home to glaciers galore. Pack the right gear as, in winter, it can get chilly.
During the warmer months or kitted up in the best wetsuit gear there is to offer, the park is a great spot to get a closer look at underwater life with bright, colorful coral and interesting fish to swim with.
There is also the potential to spot bears here amongst the breathtaking scenery. Take a walk to the amazing caves with beautiful mineral structures to see some more of it.
The Glacier National Park can show you otherworldly scenes, underwater to the underground, and with the wildlife in between, what better way to spend a holiday?

Congaree National Park
Found in South Carolina, this park is home to old hardwood forests that are tall and leafy, and simply stunning in fall. With the local river, there is a floodplain ecosystem and the slow-moving creek is the perfect home for reptiles, insects and other aquatic life. There are alligators in the river so exercise caution when hiking and sailing.
You can spot river animals such as otters here, along with bobcats, coyotes, and possums. They find their home in the forest which has been protected after a lot of interest in logging in the 20th century. Other water animals include turtles, snakes, and fish such as the bowfin and the catfish.
If that isn’t enough outdoors for you, then you can check out this interesting post on surfing. There is an entire world of wonder on your doorstep, so what are you waiting for?