When you are trying to improve your home, electrical work can be a good place to start. This will benefit your home in many ways, but namely, it will make it safer for everyone who lives there. Even if you don’t think there’s much that can be done, you might be surprised when you get someone in to investigate. After all, the majority of your electrical wiring is out of sight, and therefore it’s usually out of mind.
Here are some ways that an electrician can help improve the safety, function, and value of your home with their professional expertise.
1. Safety Checks

In addition to your eyes, it can help to get a second set of eyes and trained hands to perform a visual safety check and inspection of the electrical system in your home. They will check to make sure all cables and visible leads are in good shape, that light fittings are in proper working order, and ensure that appliances are properly installed, and ventilated as necessary (ranges, ovens, etc.). They will also ensure that cables aren’t running under carpets or that there are no power issues in the bathroom or near water sources.
They may also look at the breaker same as they do with commercial breakers or fuse box and see what kind of condition it is in.
They will ask about any issues you’ve experienced and check the furnace, electrical meter, and every other aspect of your home. A thorough inspection can give you peace of mind and even help you save money on insuring your home by providing proof that it is free of electrical risks.
2. Installing/Replacing Alarms and Detectors

Another safety improvement performed by electricians is to replace your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and detectors. While this is usually fairly simple to do yourself, there are some instances where a pro might do a better job. If, for example, you choose high-end alarms, you may need professional assistance. Further, if you have hardwired alarms, you’ll want an electrician to handle that work, as well. This is generally more of a maintenance or “handyman” issue in some cases, but it’s always a good idea to ask the electrician while he’s inspecting because he can do it and save you from calling another service provider.
3. Energy Improvements and Recommendations

An electrician will not only be able to repair issues and verify that your electrical system is in good working order, but they will also make recommendations on energy improvements and ways that you can reduce your electrical costs. For example, they might suggest an upgrade to LED lighting or installing a generator so that you have backup power in case of an emergency.
An electrician can also help install smart devices to improve your efficiency and make your home run more smoothly. Again, a lot of smart home products are designed to be user-friendly for DIY installation, but it’s always better to let a professional do the work when it comes to electrical tasks. Some smart home hubs and integrated platforms are a bit more complex, so hiring a professional might be the only choice you have.
4. Exterior Lighting

For curb appeal, safety, and more, exterior lighting is a big part of your home that goes unattended for the most part. Security lighting, landscape lighting, and other outdoor lighting can make your property more usable after dark and bring you a sense of security. After all, criminals and thieves are less likely to bother places with exterior lighting because it doesn’t allow them to hide well. You can install new walkway lighting, add motion lights, and even upgrade to eco-friendly fixtures or bulbs.
You may even want to install specialty exterior lighting or have an electrician consult on your huge holiday light display so that you don’t blow your whole system when you plug it in. Electricians aren’t just for the inside of your home. They can also offer a lot of valuable advice, insight, and assistance to improve your home from the outside.
5. Electrical Design

If you want the ultimate improvement, a full electrical redesign (or new design in new construction) is the way to go. An electrician will be able to come in, do an analysis of your needs and the property itself, and then determine a wiring scheme that makes sense for safety, efficiency, and function. They will be able to determine whether you need a panel upgrade, if wiring can be fished through walls or if drywall must come down, and more.
When you don’t want a lot of demo, electricians are great at rewiring existing homes with little damage to the walls, using a method known as “fishing”. Therefore, even if there’s a big job at hand, they don’t necessarily have to make a big mess. They’re professionals. They know what they’re doing. They will make sure that your home has the best electrical system and most functional design and do it in the most efficient way possible.
The Bottom Line
Ultimately, just about anything that an electrician does for you will be an improvement to your home. This system impacts your energy efficiency and has a lot of potential safety concerns, so having the best electrical work and knowing that it’s in proper working order will give everyone more peace of mind. Whether you’re planning to sell and want to get things fixed up so you can sell faster and at a higher price, or if you’re just fixing things up for your family, call an electrician and ask for a consultation.
There are so many components to the electrical system and repairing or improving them will always be to your benefit for safety, home value, energy efficiency, and cost savings over time. This is not work that you should do yourself because it can be very dangerous. If you suspect your home may have electrical issues or you just want someone to take a good look, contact the professional team at HiltonElectrical for a consultation and to learn more about how electricians can help improve your home.