What is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction, also known as erectile dysfunction, is understood by experts as the persistent inability to get an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse and to maintain it until orgasm. Doctors speak of erectile dysfunction when the erectile dysfunction occurs for six months or more. But impotence also includes sexual problems such as the inability to conceive or the absence of ejaculation (anejaculation).
Fortunately, many cancer therapy methods are very effective, but often also result in physical or psychological disorders. Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and maintain a penile erection that is sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse for over 6 months. For those affected and their partners, this can lead to a significant reduction in the quality of life.1,2.
You can visit topapotheke24.de to check the best medicine named kamagra for erectile dysfunction treatment. Epidemiological data show a high prevalence and incidence of erectile dysfunction worldwide.3 With regard to the prevalence, erectile dysfunction increases from 2.3 percent in the third decade of life to 53.4 percent in the seventh decade of life 40- to 70-year-old men a prevalence of 52 percent for the entire group, with the subdivision into erectile dysfunction minor (17.2 percent), moderate (25.2 percent) or severe (9.6 percent) severity.
The erectile dysfunction incidence rate (new cases per 1000n men annually) was 26 when looking at long-term data in the MMAS study6 and 19.2 in the Dutch study7.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

An erection occurs on the basis of a complex process in the brain that involves nerves, hormones, muscles and blood vessels. In each of these areas there can be disorders that prevent a satisfactory erection from being achieved. Often other diseases play a role in the development of erectile dysfunction.
Diabetes mellitus, heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, obesity, metabolic syndrome, multiple sclerosis, low testosterone and others can cause erectile dysfunction. In addition, mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders, or psychotic illnesses and the psychiatric medication used to treat these illnesses can lead to erectile dysfunction.
A disorder of the hormonal balance, such as a testosterone deficiency, an increased prolactin level and an underactive thyroid, are also possible causes of erectile dysfunction. Important risk factors for erectile dysfunction are smoking, obesity, stress, drugs and alcoholism. It should be taken into account that erectile dysfunction can often be a signal for previously unknown serious illnesses.
How we treat erectile dysfunction
In particular, the use of active erection aids (see below) is not possible in the early phase after the operation, as this would cause too much irritation and pain in the newly operated area. If the erection does not recover on its own or on these tablets, there are some effective ways to get an adequate erection, kamagra can give you better solutions for erectile dysfunction. Corpora cavernosa auto injection therapy (SKAT): Prostaglandin injected directly into the corpus cavernosum is also reliable; careful training on self-injection is also possible here.
The Diagnostic Process

Physical examination
During the physical examinations, the main focus is on the presence of typical causal pre-existing diseases, as well as on special diseases (narrowing of the foreskin, benign or malignant prostate enlargement, testicular tumor) that can be the cause of ED.
In addition, a hormone test is carried out. The hormone status includes the determination of testosterone and prolactin, especially in the case of decreased libido (sexual desire). The blood lipid values should also be examined and a daily blood sugar profile created, using kamagra is also a good process.
Sexual history

A precise sexual interview is extremely important because of the psychological factors (e.g. partnership-related problems, inhibitions due to different sexual preferences, unfulfilled desire to have children). Psychological causes can often be determined in the first conversation that are the actual cause of ED.
Survey or measurement of nocturnal erections
Since involuntary erections occur in healthy men in deep sleep (REM phases), these are first asked for before further examinations or checked with the help of special measuring devices.
With the so-called nocturnal penile tumescence measurement (NTP), the frequency and duration of nocturnal erections (usually 4 – 7 more or less strong erections per night) can be measured. This investigation allows a first approach to differentiating between a psychological and an organic cause, since in the case of nocturnal erections it can be assumed that there are no organic causes.
Ultrasound examination

The blood flow properties in the penis can be determined by means of an ultrasound examination. The resting flow values of the penile vessels in the non-erect state are determined. After administration of the vasoactive agent, which leads to an involuntary erection due to a strong increase in the arterial (?) Blood flow to the penis.
Color-coded Doppler sonography using ultrasound is helpful since this examination can be used to objectify the result if the maximum flow curves are measured in the erect state. This allows a possible vascular cause of erectile dysfunction to be recognized. In rare cases, there is a pathological outflow of blood from the erectile tissue, so that it cannot hold the blood for an erection.
Cavernous injection test (SKIT)
With the so-called cavernous body injection test (SKIT), the cavernous body function can be examined. The messenger substance prostaglandin E1 is injected into the erectile tissue. In functional cavernous bodies, an erection should be achieved within 15 minutes that lasts for 15 to 40 minutes.
Corpus Cavernosum EMG

The so-called derivation of the nerve potentials on the smooth muscle cells (?) In the erectile tissue is carried out using a surface electrode. The smooth muscle cells are supplied with nerve impulses every 15-20 seconds. With the CCEMG (Corpus Cavernosum EMG) one can differentiate between organic functional disorders and psychologically caused erectile dysfunction.
Frequency of erectile dysfunction
Persistent erectile dysfunction is much more common than most men think. A large number of studies have come to the conclusion that on average around 20 percent of all men will suffer from erectile problems that require treatment at some point in their lives. The proportion increases sharply with advancing age. It is estimated that around 300,000 men in Switzerland are affected by erectile dysfunction. Experts assume there will be at least 150 million worldwide – and the number is rising.
Frequency of Erectile Dysfunction by Age Groups

According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS), erectile dysfunction in men under 40 years of age is the exception with a share of 2 percent. In the age group between 40 and 70, however, more than half (52 percent) report erectile problems. In a German study on the frequency of erectile dysfunction, almost one in five (19.2 percent) of the 4,500 participants reported erectile dysfunction. The participants were also asked whether they believed they had erectile dysfunction that required treatment. The following table shows the results:
Partner conversations
Dealing with erectile dysfunction also raises many questions for the unaffected partner: How can I help my partner? Is Sexual Approach Even Possible? Is there right and wrong behavior?
There is uncertainty and the need to talk, but since the level of shame is quickly reached when it comes to sexuality, this often requires the impetus of a trained, uninvolved person & use kamagra.
A rehabilitation stay offers the right framework for this. Far away from the everyday environment, partner conversations can be conducted with therapists as mediators. There is no “right” or “wrong”. We want you to regain your individual pleasure in lust, to put away fears and compulsions and to deal openly with your partner.