Having a garden full of colorful blooms is truly a beautiful sight to see. Besides beauty, gardening can be a great hobby that can help you relax and do light exercise in your free time. However, that is not to say that it also does not come with its own set of challenges and difficulties.
It actually requires a lot of effort and some knowledge about the plants you want to grow. If you have already tried adding some of your favorite buds to your backyard but have failed in growing a lush garden, there is no reason to feel discouraged.
Before you go on to convince yourself you have a brown thumb and that it is better to give up, you should give it one more try by planting flowers that are easy to care for. These plants are more tolerant than many others and will beautify your garden while making you feel happy and accomplished as well. So if you are curious to find out what they are, here are some that require very little maintenance.

The sunny blooms tolerate both heat and drought pretty well and can be planted in most soil types too. They will most definitely attract butterflies, birds, and bees and come in a variety of sizes and colors. Since their seeds are quite large, planting them can be a fun activity to do with your child.
The bright yellow petals will sure add some fun to your backyard, although they might require additional support to avoid breakage since they can grow anywhere between 3 to 16 feet tall.

These little plants love cooler weather and will typically add life to your garden in fall and spring, although in warmer climates they might bloom through winter too. These annuals prefer rich soil that is well-drained but will produce colorful blooms in both complete or partial sunlight.
They come in a wide range of colors, can be grown indoors and outdoors, but do require regular watering. Pansies are one of the must-have plants of every garden and are usually one of the first to bloom in early spring.

The buds come in shades of yellow, red, orange, and purple and require little to no care. They will perfectly thrive in your garden for years since they can survive heat, drought, and flooding without a problem. They grow and spread extremely fast, so make sure you give them a lot of free space when planting them.
Since these perennials grow clumps at fast speeds, you might need to divide them once they become too dense to ensure they produce more flowers. Daylilies also look beautiful in vases, bouquets, and flower arrangements. If you are interested in getting some beautiful arrangement ideas, you can visit Floraqueen.

These annuals are one of the easiest blooms to grow. They come in various shades of bright pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, and purples as well as in a variety of shapes that include poms, daises, spiders, and dahlias.
Zinnias grow best in full sunlight and have moderate water requirements. They are also available in several heights and each bloom grows on a single erect stem, making them perfect for cutting and displaying in your home. Having these buds in your garden will surely attract a lot of butterflies too.

These daisy-like flowers are undemanding and come in beautiful pastel hues of pinks, whites, and purples. It will mostly thrive in full sunlight and it does not require reseeding since it will do it on its own.
Cosmos blooms in spring, summer, and fall and its tight buds and lacy leaves provide a nice addition to any bouquet since they can act as fillers and add texture. It will even bloom in poor soils and is actually quite great for repelling mosquitoes, but perfect for attracting a variety of bees and birds.

Snapdragons are especially popular in cottage-style gardens and bloom heavily in spring and fall. They can endure harsh weather but thrive best when in the sun and they are available in hues of white, red, pink, yellow, peach, and more.
Snapdragons are often referred to as dragon flowers due to their appearance since, when squeezed, they resemble a dragon’s face that is opening and closing its mouth. They are also considered a self-seeding annual and can reach 6 to 15 inches in height. Snapdragons prefer well-drained soil and require regular watering around the plant’s base.

Another common bloom found in many gardens, these yellow, orange, or white buds fill your area with beautiful scents in spring. They mix extremely well with other flowering buds and can be planted in beds and containers as well. If you want a colorful surprise in spring, plant the bulbs in fall and do not forget to water them regularly.

Also known as Touch-me-not, the plant prefers partial or complete shade and will bloom non-stop from June until winter because it is unable to tolerate frost. If you plant them together, they will be able to grow taller and these colorful buds make a great decoration along the edges of paths. You can choose a variety of colors to brighten up your garden from white, orange, and red to blue and purple.

This aromatic herbaceous plant perfectly withstands frost and heat and will thrive even when neglected for a while. Sometimes called Anise hyssop, it will bloom all season long and emit a scent that resembles the smell of licorice. It will make a great addition to your backyard with its broad color palette, resistance, abundant blooms, and versatility.

All of these blooms are also great if you do not have a lot of time to spare on gardening, so as long as you take care of them whenever you can, you will have a gorgeous looking backyard filled with beautiful flowers and scents in no time. Try these easy-to-grow flowers and slowly start turning your brown thumb into a green one.