Keno – Interesting Facts, Rules and Tips to Play


It is said that around 2000 B.C. the game of Keno was invented in China by Mr. Cheung, who belonged to Han Dynasty. For many years his city was at war and they were out of money to face a war.

His people were not in a position to contribute to the war all these circumstances lead to the origin of Keno. The main idea of Mr. Cheung for making the game was to cover up the finances that are incurred during the war. He was quite fortunate that the game was liked by people and on the other hand, he successfully generated money for the war also.

Variants of Keno


Power Keno – This variant of Keno was originated in Australia and it is played just like the usual game of Keno. The only factor that differentiates it is that here it is the 20th number on which the power is dependent. Let us say that if the picks of anyone player match with the 20th number then your winnings will increase by four times. This variant is most popular amongst the Keno players.

Super Keno – This variant is very much the same as Power Keno and the only thing that differentiates it is that her main focus is on the first number. If your chosen number matches with the first number that is chosen by the computer then your winnings will increase four times. This game is so popular in modern live dealer casinos (according to

Way Keno – When you play this variant you have to make a selection for a group of diverse numbers. Let us say that if you have selected four diverse groups which have seven numbers in every group. While playing Way Keno you have higher chances of hits along with making bets using a higher amount.

Video Keno – This variant of Keno is a single-player game. The game is incorporated with the best sound effects and advanced graphics that help you to enjoy a real gaming experience while playing online.

Rules of the Keno Game


Keno is very simple to play and even if you are a beginner you can still be a winner in the game. The rules for Keno are pretty simple and you get a ticket with a total of eighty numbers on it. The main aim of the game is to envisage at least twenty numbers. The numbers are selected in a random manner by the computer. You can also make a bet for any specific number ranging from one to ten.

The term is called a ‘Hit’ in a condition when the number chosen by you and the numbers selected by the computer in a random manner are the same. Your payoff mainly depends on making a selection of Bet $1, Bet $3, or Bet $5. The majority of the online casinos have kept the maximum bet of five dollars. Another important thing is how many numbers you select in every game i.e. from one to ten, and the probabilities of how many of these numbers successfully are a hit.

At the beginning of the game, you allocate the numbers on the Keno board. It is totally your decision whether you want to choose the numbers that are selected by the computer or you want to use your own numbers.

When you have decided about how many numbers you want to play then make a choice for the betting size. On clicking the suitable button you will notice that the payoff is being regulated at the side of your computer screen.

With a click on any of the following – Play One, Play Five, or Play Ten you can select how many Keno games you are interested in playing. The results of the games are displayed on the left-hand side of your screen. You can have full details of the games that you have played in the past. If you want to carry on playing in the next game with the same numbers you can press the button ‘Repeat Bet’.

Following are some winning strategies for Keno


You should be aware of how many spots you have to select while you are playing. Always remember that the more you choose the spots more are the more chances of winning. When you make a selection of Keno numbers you also need to have more hits along with that for registering a win.

If your game style is more of a traditional style then it is better that you make a selection for fewer numbers. This way you can have more chance of playing for a longer time duration. On the contrary, if you like to play more of a competitive game then go ahead and make a selection for maximum numbers.

You need to have complete knowledge of the payout table and according to that frame up your strategy. You have to be aware of the fact that hitting four out of four usually takes place in rare cases. But on the other hand, hitting three out of three is much simpler. So you should opt for three spots Keno.

As the numbers are being selected in a random nature so virtually every number has got equal chances of getting selected. The number which was picked in the previous game can also be selected again. So it is better that you the numbers those are dearer to you like- birthday dates, cell number, etc.

As the game of Keno originated in China, Yin and Yang are two opposite forces yet they are complementary to each other. The upper half of the Keno card symbolizes Yin and the lower half symbolizes Yang. Make sure that these two strike a balance with each other.

Keno is an exciting game to play and requires a lot of luck, but to enjoy the game thoroughly, you need to have complete knowledge of the rules. All versions of the game are based on the classic rules and all the tips are good for the typical player.