Every pregnant woman has fears and doubts when it comes to childbirth, so therefore they must be well informed about everything. For all of you who are going to be a mom for the first time, and by the nature of things are afraid of everything that comes with childbirth, or have heard the experiences of many maternity wives who are not so great, we want to help you be prepared for that great and important experience in your life.
Is everything our mothers and grandmothers taught us about pregnancy wrong? In the article down below, we will reveal which pregnancy myths we should forget and what is true, and for more info about labor go check Yoursdoctor.online.
1. Pregnancy takes nine months

Pregnancy lengths can vary up to five weeks, and when you will give birth depends on your age, weight, how much weight you had at birth and a few other factors.
2. Making love on pregnancy can injury the baby

This should not hurt a baby, just if your pregnancy is high-risk, consult your doctor before deciding to have a relationship.
3. After the Cesarean section, natural birth is not possible

Statistics show that vaginal delivery after a cesarean is a slightly riskier option than to repeat a cesarean section. But in consultation with a doctor, vaginal delivery after a cesarean section is one option.
4. Gender depends on the position of the mother’s stomach

The gender of the baby has absolutely nothing to do with how a woman looks. Sorry, you can’t find out the gender of a child by looking at mom.
5. If you have an STD, your baby will have it

STDs are a highly contagious disease that can lead to severe health complications in the mother and to the child. It is crucial to diagnose and cure STDs before getting pregnant. Know more about different types of STDs here on STDTestGuru.com.
It depends on what transmitted diseases you have. This is because some diseases infect the blood and can reach the baby through the placenta, while others are contagious only in direct contact. If there is a risk that the child may come in direct contact with the virus or bacterium, the doctor may suggest a Caesarean section.
6. Women during the pregnancy cannot run

What a woman can do during pregnancy depends on what she was able to do before pregnancy. You can continue to do everything you have before or for some exercise programs specifically designed for each stage of pregnancy.
7. How many pounds women loss at childbirth?

Women indeed lose up to 6 pounds at childbirth, including the baby and water they will throw out. Most, on the other hand, gain between 11- and 15-pounds during pregnancy. It can take up to a year to lose the excess. More about that read at https://bfgmuscle.com/
8. Eat for two

The baby growing in you does not consume as many calories as you would like. If you were eating balanced before pregnancy, then all you need to do is add another snack or two (about 300 calories).
9. Certain food may speed up the birth

There is no evidence that certain foods can speed up childbirth.
1. Recovery from childbirth can be more difficult than childbirth itself. This is good to keep in mind so that you have as little fear as possible from that moment. It is quite natural that, if you are sutured after vaginal delivery, and especially after surgery i.e. Caesarean section, that it will hurt all of you, and that it will be a huge effort to go to the toilet, even with someone’s help. Still, you need to know that it will work too.
2. However, in order not to be scared beforehand and everything that comes after birth; know that different aids will help your body recover more easily, such as. mesh lower lobe. Don’t experience any of this tragically – all goat mothers go through it.

3. Also know that each birth is a story for itself, some last longer, some shorter, and after all, each pain tolerance threshold is different. What is important is that you prepare yourself in advance, and these are our help, as well as talk with your partner in advance about epidural anesthesia.
4. At first, your contractions may be so weak that you won’t even know you have them. And this is good because the pain will increase gradually, giving you plenty of time to get used to knowing that your birth has started, rather than giving you a sense of panic.

5. Having a long birth does not mean that you have contractions all the time. This is very important to know to have as little fear as possible of childbirth being unbearably painful and painful all the time. Although childbirth counts from the time you get your first contraction, it can take several hours without them. Even when pregnant women are open 9, 5 cm do not always contraction every minute, as it should theoretically be.
6. After birth, the hair begins to fall sharply. The problem of hair loss is almost inevitable in 50 percent of women and occurs in the first six months after childbirth. The cause is hormones that slow down hair loss during pregnancy, but after pregnancy, the hormone level returns to normal, giving the hair its constant cycle of growth and decline. To reduce the inevitable hair loss, a diet rich in iron, protein, zinc, antioxidants, and silicon, which are essential for healthy skin and hair, is advised.

7. After birth, the complexion worsens. Most often the skin after birth shows an increased tendency for acne and pimples. The blood circulation in the body during pregnancy increases by 50 percent, which is manifested on the face where the blood vessels become enlarged and give it extra volume, so the skin is brighter and gentler during pregnancy. For troubled skin, a retinoid or OTC retinol is recommended that will quickly regain your lost complexion. Also, avoid greasy and dry foods, and eat fresh fruits and vegetables and nuts.
We hope we help you with breaking myths about childbirth, and that you find out something new in our article which will help you with your pregnancy.