As the seasons change, you may be thinking about getting a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Fortunately, because of technological advances, new HVAC systems are better than ever—and also more energy-efficient than before.
But how much will you save on your energy bills with a new HVAC RI system? And how can you be sure that any particular unit will work well in your home? These are important questions to consider when making an investment like this, and below we’ll address each one in detail. For more information, consult the experts at rhodeislandhvacservices.com
Should I Upgrade?

If you’re considering upgrading or purchasing a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, there are many factors to consider. How old is your current system? Does it meet today’s efficiency standards? Will a replacement offer significant savings in terms of your home’s energy costs?
Will it be cost effective over time? And what about comfort and other benefits—will new equipment provide increased enjoyment in your daily life? Let’s consider each of these areas individually. First, how old is your current system? If it’s more than 10 years old, or if you have concerns about its performance in extreme weather conditions (hot summers and cold winters), now may be a good time to upgrade.
Is your system inefficient? Replacing an older, less efficient model with newer equipment could save you hundreds per year on your utility bills—not to mention reduce your carbon footprint and offer additional comfort. Often overlooked are rebates offered.
Many cities, states and utilities offer rebates for certain kinds of energy efficiency upgrades, including high-efficiency furnaces, air conditioners and hot water heaters. Depending on your area, you could receive incentives to replace your current system with a more efficient model—the equivalent of several months of energy savings!
Old Inefficient Units
The first thing to understand is that older units don’t operate as efficiently as newer models. They use a number of different components, including motorized fans and separate heating and cooling systems, making them significantly less energy efficient than new HVAC systems.
Over time, they can even cause damage to your house if you keep using them—and trust us when we say you don’t want to put up with a busted furnace in winter or an air conditioner in summer any longer than you have to.
Investing in a new, energy-efficient system will help you save money on utility bills every month. When you install a new HVAC system, you don’t have to rely on an inefficient one that requires your home to expend unnecessary amounts of energy to keep it cool or warm when weather is uncomfortably hot or cold.
Choosing an Energy-Efficient Unit

Most of your energy dollars go toward cooling and heating, so it makes sense to invest in units that minimize use. Look for a high seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) rating, which tells you how well an air conditioner or heat pump performs over a given period of time.
The higher the number, the more efficiently your unit will run. You can also find plenty of other green features, like variable speed fans and ductless mini-splits with geo-thermal capability.
What you will be looking for is an Energy Star rating, which tells you how efficient a unit is over time. You can save even more money with environmentally friendly gas and electric units that meet Energy Star standards. Most manufacturers list SEER and Energy Star ratings on their websites; ask about these features when shopping for a new system.
General Savings Provided by New Units
Homeowners usually realize three savings benefits when they purchase a new HVAC system. In no particular order, they include energy efficiency, better comfort and eco-friendliness. Let’s examine these one at a time, so you can make an informed decision about your next unit.
Energy efficiency is important because it decreases your utility bills, which directly translates into savings for you. Homeowners can save on their energy costs when they replace an old unit with a new Energy Star® model. Even if you don’t invest in an Energy Star® system, installing a new high-efficiency unit will save you money on your heating and cooling costs every year compared to an older, less efficient unit.
Better comfort is another major benefit. A new unit will maintain your home’s set temperature more precisely, and can also be adjusted according to your schedule, which means that you won’t have to change it when you leave in the morning or return home in the evening.
The eco-friendliness of a new unit is another important consideration. It’s never been more important to be conscious of your impact on Mother Nature and make decisions that are both good for you and good for her. Energy Star® units consume significantly less energy than non-rated models, which means lower utility bills, a smaller carbon footprint and greater peace of mind. So be sure to get an Energy Star® model if you can.
Additional Benefits of Upgrading

Switching to a new, energy-efficient HVAC system has a lot of obvious benefits. It can lower your monthly bills, reduce your carbon footprint and save you some big bucks on cooling costs over time. However, many homeowners don’t realize how much of an impact these changes will have on their lives outside of their utility bill.
These upgrades can benefit more than just your wallet. Your home will also be healthier to live in and easier to manage on a day-to-day basis. For example, new systems are quieter than older models, so you won’t wake up at 5am every morning as a result of their operation.
You’ll also save time on maintenance, repairs and energy consumption in general. For example, some new systems are equipped with remote monitoring features, which allow you to keep an eye on your system from a smart device. If there is ever a problem with your unit, you can take quick action to fix it without having to go outside or leave work.
Newer models are also far more durable than older ones—meaning that you won’t need to replace it quite as often and will likely enjoy more years of use before any major parts have worn out. This means less hassle for you over time.