One of the biggest joys of outdoor gardening is arranging your pots in a fun and vibrant way. There aren’t many rules to the game, especially when you have such big and bold planters giving the space a bright and inviting atmosphere. However, there are a few simple hints we have for you to ensure that you optimise the design’s space, colour and privacy.
Whether you’re planting on an inner-city balcony or a suburban lawn, here are five tips to arranging your garden plants to absolute perfection:
1. What is the purpose of your plants?

Whether it’s a series of dainty little plants or a bold and large plant in pot, you need to define the reasoning behind planting them so that they don’t appear incongruous. Are you trying to frame an entrance? Or, are you trying to invigorate a pathway, providing an elegant border that guides your guests through to a different garden section?
It is important to first think about why, exactly, you are taking to planting this luscious garden. This way, you can decide on the right plants in the perfect pots, and you gain a clear picture of how you want to arrange them when it comes time for planting!
2. Creating privacy with plants
Plants are one of the best ways to create a sense of `privacy in an otherwise exposed garden. Sick of spotting the neighbours peeking over the fence every time you go out for some sun? Plants can be the perfect way to put an end to this unpleasantry. You can plant larger plants in areas that are usually exposed to prying eyes and this will instantly grant the space more seclusion and comfort.
3. Divide the garden

Plants are the most beautiful and creative way to divide your garden into different sections. Perhaps you have a decking that you want to separate from the lawn below? The most gorgeous way to do this is to plant large pots along the border between the decking and the lawn. Not only will this divide the space but it also does it in a very colourful way!
4. They can be used for safety, too
Ah, the great Aussie veranda. The ubiquitous outdoor appendage where Barbies are held and late-night conversations are held around a misted glass table. They are practical but often built with high drops off the side which can be dangerous for kids and pets.
This is where the large plant comes in to protect the smaller members of the family. Place one in front of the spot that presents the most danger and the kids and doggo won’t even think about jumping off there!
5. But don’t let them inhibit other spaces

Large plants are great for safety but don’t want them inhibiting a pathway or space. They are perfect for invigorating your garden but you don’t want them inhibiting anyone’s ability to walk freely through the space or enjoy a gorgeous view. Therefore, it’s important to think about where you can plant them without them blocking, hindering or imposing on their immediate surroundings.
But this is all part of the fun of designing your plants’ arrangement. Get your pen and paper and take a look out onto your garden and think, “okay, if I plant this bottlebrush here, will I still be able to see the garden bed from the decking?” and so on. Soon, you will have designed a gorgeously vibrant garden that amplifies the space and offers a true sense of natural home living!