There are many different types of diets nowadays, and all of them have their own benefits. Whether it is fat loss or weight gain that you want to achieve, there’s a different diet that’s recommended especially for something like this. Some diets, however, are constructed because a certain type of person is not able to consume an ingredient that’s included in some of the foods listed in a particular diet.
One of the most famous examples, which happens to be the one that we’re talking about in this article, is the Gluten-Free Diet. There are tons of people who are allergic to gluten, therefore they must avoid the foods with gluten at any costs. If you are just recently starting a gluten-free diet, you might think that it’s a lot harder than it actually is, so we’re here to help you understand a few things and provide you with a couple of good examples on what you can and cannot eat. Let’s take a look.

What is gluten?
In order to understand what you can and cannot eat, it is important that we first realize the core of the problem. Gluten is a family of proteins that is found in wheat, rye, barley and spelled. The name of this ingredient comes from the Latin word for “glue” and it perfectly describes what happens with the flour becoming sticky after it is mixed with water. This is what makes the bread rise when baked and gives it a chewy and satisfying texture, which is one of the main reasons why people love consuming it. However, some people feel extremely uncomfortable after eating a food that contains gluten, and the most severe reaction is referred to as a celiac disease.
What is Celiac Disease?
Celiac disease is a disorder where the body makes a mistake and harms itself. It can damage the intestines and according to many statistics, about two percent of the entire population in our world have this.

What am I supposed to eat if I’m allergic to gluten?
According to a-lifestyle.com, the foods you should consume if you are allergic to gluten are the following ones:
- Meats and Fish (All of them except battered or coated meats)
- Eggs (All types of eggs are gluten-free so you can eat whatever you like when it comes to them)
- Dairy (Plain milk, plain yogurt, and cheeses are fine to eat as long as they’re not flavored with some ingredients that might contain gluten, so make sure to read all of the food labels before consuming something)
- Fruits and vegetables (They are extremely healthy and they allow you to have energy through the entire day)
- Grains (Quinoas, Rice, Buckwheat, Corn, Millet, Arrowroot and Oats)
- Nuts and seeds (They are also very healthy and some of them contain a lot of protein which is very important for you if you are regularly working out)
- Beverages (Although you should avoid this, you’re pretty much safe to drink all of them except beer, unless it is labeled to be gluten-free)
- Herbs and Spices (Feel free to consume all of them since they do not contain any gluten at all and are healthy to eat as well)