It is well known that music has the ability to change our emotions – it can make us feel happy, motivated, relaxed, angry, energized, and so on. Well, if you are interested in how music improves your life, you are reading the right article. In the text below, you will be able to read about 10 proven ways that music improves our lives. Let’s take a look at the list:
1. Music Reduces Stress
When we feel stressed, tired, or overwhelmed, we often find ourselves turning to music. And there are various studies that prove that slow, quiet, music has the most soothing effect on us. Hence, if you have a hard time dealing with stress or anxiety, compiling a list of some quiet music is a good idea. You could even try listening to various classical music movie soundtracks that will help you relax. One study showed that listening to this kind of music reduces anxiety.

2. Music Improves Endurance
If you work out regularly, you might have noticed that music makes you perform better. There was a study that proved that music can increase endurance by 15 percent. So, if you ever felt that you exercised longer when listening to music, there are big chances that you have. The speed of the music is what matters here. The optimal speed of the beats per minute should be around 125 to 140 bpm.
3. Music Can Make You Happier
It might seem like this is not true, however, various research suggests that there are various health benefits that we can gain from listening to music. Listening to music can release dopamine which is the “pleasure chemical” in our bodies, and it provides a feeling same as eating good food or hugging someone that you love.
4. Learning To Plan An Instrument As A Child Can Make You More Successful Later On
There is a connection between learning how to play an instrument as a kid and becoming more successful later in your life. Hence, if you were always angry at your parents for forcing you to play the violin – take a step back and be grateful to them.
5. Music Makes You Smarter
This is true even if you are an adult, so do not worry if you never learned to play an instrument when you were younger. Choose an instrument now and master it. Research shows that learning an instrument can increase your IQ by seven points. However, that is not the best part. According to the website TME, there is that perceived social value of knowing how to play an instrument, and there is, of course, the pleasure you can get from knowing how to play well.

6. It Improves Your Memory
Music can help your brain develop in several areas, one of the most important one being your memory. Hence, if you are troubled by bad memory recently, music or playing an instrument is something that you might want to consider. In this case, classical music seems to be the biggest memory improver, so it might be the right time to start exploring that musical genre as well.
There were the six ways that music can improve your life and now that you know how it can improve your life, do not forget to listen to music whenever you can.