Looking for ways to redesign your bathroom but struggling on what style to go for? The bathroom can be a difficult area to style, especially when the rest of your home flows beautifully and works so well. There are a few key design features that have been extremely popular within the bathroom industry over the last year or so and the following ideas have been gathered to help to inspire you and give you some guidance on your next bathroom redesign.
Bold Freestanding Baths

If there’s one thing that makes a bathroom that bit more luxurious it’s a grand freestanding bath. Not only do freestanding baths draw all of the attention to one part of the room, but they make an incredible focal point and enhance the room in an instant. Many people worry that due to their existing plumbing within the room, it can be hard to achieve a successful freestanding bath, but that’s not always the case. As Ken Code, director at Milford’s Building Suppliessays “It’s essential to always assess the room before you make any structural plans if you’re unsure you can always get a consultation from your local plumber to ensure your plans can go ahead successfully.” You can find out more from Milfords here. Once you’ve got the go-ahead for your freestanding bath, you can start to plan the colors and details to ensure your bath looks the part and fits in with the rest of your bathroom décor.
Monochrome Styling

One of the hottest interior style trends for 2018 and heading into 2019 is monochrome. There’s something about black and white décor that screams sophistication, style, and minimalism which is very much desired in the world of interiors. It’s just like famous interior designer Jean-Louis Denoit once said “Luxury is when it seems flawless when you reach the right balance between all elements. Understated theatricality – that is what my luxury is all about.”. The beauty of monochrome styling is the ability to complement it with bold, beautiful pieces that you know will enhance the area and bring the whole décor to life. From chrome accents to floral artwork, you are never short for decorative touches with a monochrome style.
Geometric Designs

A style that’s taken the Instagram world by storm, geometric designs have become a huge hit with many lifestyle pieces, including interior décor. From carpets to oak flooring and decorative accessories, you’ll find geometric designs creeping into many different interior styles, adding a touch of character to the overall look. Another great way to introduce geometric designs into your interiors is through tiling, like these stunning designs from Tile Mountain. Tiles are a huge hit in bathrooms, kitchens and even porches and there are so many beautiful designs on the market with geometric patterns.
Marble Beauty

Whether you’re looking to add luxury to your bathroom, or you simply want to create a new look without making too many changes, introducing marble is a really beneficial option. Marble is perfect for enhancing a space, making it feel open and fresh whilst capturing an elegant feel at the same time. There are so many different ways to add marble to your bathroom, from your flooring or walls to the bathroom furniture itself, so your possibilities really are endless.