Did you know that 75% of people show online at least once a month? That once again proves the popularity of eCommerce rises relentlessly and will continue to. Correspondingly, there is also a rising number of brick-and-mortar stores that turn to eCommerce to double the benefit and attract more customers.
No wonder a huge number of those stores are based on one of the most reliable and secure eCommerce platforms 一 Magento. It is an SEO-friendly, scalable and open-source solution that seems to have it all.
However, it is more than that with eCommerce. So, today we’re discussing the best free Magento 2 extension you’ll need to take your store to a next level.
We’ll be discussing the Magento extensions https://magefan.com/magento-2-extensions from Magefan, a fast-growing Magento 2 development company, in particular.
With no further ado, let’s cover everything you need to choose the best free solutions for your store.
Do you need Magento 2 Extensions?
The first question that arises once you decide to go with Magento as a CMS for your online store is 一 do you need Magento 2 extensions? But a better question to ask would be 一 WHY do you need them since you definitely do.
And here is why.
Magento is the most secure and SEO-friendly eCommerce platform there. No wonder it powers more than 250 000 stores. However, default functionality is not always enough to stand out from the competition, and drive more traffic and sales to one’s website.

At the same time implementing new features and options requires coding and custom development. Magento extensions solve that issue by eliminating the need for coding every time your new to tweak some configurations.
There is a variety of extensions for various tasks on your store: implementing custom payment gateways, sending emails, blogging, translations, and many others.
Opportunities are limitless.
The best part probably is you can find a lot of decent extensions to get for free without spending a fortune. So now we’ll cover what vital, yet free extensions for Magento 2 you’ll need to implement for better traffic and sales.
But first let us introduce you to Magefan, the vendor of those important extensions.
What is Magefan?
Magefan is a fast-growing Magento solutions provider with more than 7 years of experience working on Magento development, customization, speed, and SEO optimizations. They also provide Magento support and maintenance along with design and other custom services.
The solutions have been downloaded more than 1, 200,000 times and can be found in a variety of repositories. The number of stores with Magefan extensions has passed the point of 35 000 and continues to grow rapidly.
That’s why Magefan is a reliable Magento 2 extensions provider.
What are te best free Magento 2 Extensions from Mahgefan?
Regardless of your Magento 2 edition, extensions extend Magento functionality and add some exceptional features to your website. They serve different purposes. Yet they are quite popular considering the number of downloads.
Should we begin?
Magento 2 Blog

Magefan Blog extension download statistics
Version: 2.10.9
Reviews: 290
Downloads: 712 258
Product and category pages on your Magento 2 website play a vital role since they drive conversions and increase your bottom line. You have to optimize them for better online visibility.
Still, that might not be enough to drive the required amount of traffic to your store. So what are your other options?
Blog obviously!
Magefan Blog homepage
It is the best way to get discovered online, to promote your products and services, but, most importantly, to provide value to your customers. The more informative and optimized it is the more engaged your customers will be and the more leads you’re going to attract.
The math is simple.
Magefan blog for Magento has it all. It provides plenty of SEO features including OG tags, metadata, breadcrumbs, canonical URLs, and others that contribute to your blog being discovered.
Besides, you can manage your store and blog from one place with a convenient interface and straightforward options.
It’s the best blog solution for Magento, no doubt.
Magento 2 Auto Related Products (New)

Magefan Auto Related Products extension download statistics
Version: 2.0.3
Reviews: 3
Downloads: 138
Sales are the very first thing you have to optimize in your store once you start getting lots of traffic.
Related products are what help you keep customers on the website and provide them alternative products regardless if they want to purchase something or are not so sure about it.
You can offer more expensive items with better quality or just products that are often purchased together.
But there is a downside 一 you have to add related products, cross-sells, and up-sells manually for every product in your store. Not too time-effective is it?
Magefan Related Products on product page
That’s when Magento 2 Auto Related Products come in handy. They help you to configure a rule that will add related product blocks to 20+ positions on products, categories, and shopping cart pages.
Besides, you can decide what customer groups, store views, and dates to display them. The extensive conditions you can set up with this Magefan free extension enables you to provide a personalized experience for your customers with little to no effort required.
Magento 2 Translation

Magefan Translation extension download statistics
Version: 2.1.5
Reviews: 11
Downloads: 35 010
There are plenty of vendors who reach a point where they want to start selling worldwide to take their store to the global level. That requires a lot of effort and time since the first thing you have to cover is localization.
Though English is a globally recognized language, you have to appeal to customers by providing content in their local language.
Magefan Translation extension interface
For that matter, you just need the Magefan Translation extension. It allows you to translate Magento into multiple languages within one interface. You can easily look for texts for translations across multiple files or translate products directly within the product view page.
It is a convenient tool with no less convenient interface that enables you to translate Magento pages faster, especially in case the language pack doesn’t cover it all.
Magento 2 Lazy Load Extension

Magefan Lazy Load extension download statistics
Version: 2.0.17
Reviews: 12
Downloads: 56 659
How long are you willing to wait till the page loads completely before leaving a website? When page speed is concerned every second counts since even an additional second of loading can triple the bounce rates.
And since images play a huge role in that loading time, you need to consider Magento 2 Lazy Load solution from Magefan.
Usually, all images on the page are loaded at once which causes a delay in loading. An unnecessary delay that can be easily avoided unless you want to make customers wait.
Magefan Lazy Load extension configuration
The lazy loading module loads only those images that are within customers’ viewport. The rest of them are loaded once customers start to scroll down. It allows loading only required images with no harm to the website speed.
And the configuration is super simple. You just have to set the blocks which you like to be lazy loaded. That’s really it.
Magento 2 Rocket Javascript

Magefan Rocket Javascript extension download statistics
Version: 2.1.6
Reviews: 6
Downloads: 53 116
The other vital point in your Magento website speed optimization is Javascript. For non-techies, it might seem like something irrelevant since you can’t see it.
But, in fact, it is something that can slow your website down and negatively influence customers’ experience correspondingly.
Magefan Rocket Javascript extension settings
So last but not least free extension for Magento 2 on this list is Magento 2 Rocket Javascript. The name of the Magento 2 extension describes its purpose perfectly.
This module enables you to defer the JS loading, so only the most important javascript is loaded first. The rest are just moved to the bottom of the page. However, there is also an option to remove only some particular JS to the bottom of the page.
Website speed, traffic, and sales are what you have to focus on in your Magento optimization strategy. And while Magento covers some basic needs, your store will need more than that to outrun the competition.
Magefan offers you some of the most basic, yet powerful free extensions for Magento 2 to cover those needs. The important thing is that they provide extensive documentation on each of the solutions we’ve discussed and competitive support.