The kitchen is one of the most important places in every home, and it is the space where most of the time is spent, besides the living room. When it comes to wanting to make a significant change to the house, remodeling is one of the main options, precisely because it is one of the most visited and crowded areas on a daily basis and therefore most exposed to the eye of the tenants, and since you spend a nice time in the kitchen preparing each meal and snack, it is natural that you want that space to be the most welcoming, pleasant and functional.
Trends in interior design are changing and over time that style that was “in” at the time becomes “old-fashioned”. So it is advisable to refresh your decoration from time to time, taking into account every detail, innovating and transforming according to your particular taste and style. But in addition, making remodeling of the kitchen area requires very good planning and often the help of expert design professionals to guarantee the quality and avoid any subsequent setback, either with electrical installations, gas connections or drains.
How to remodel your kitchen with little budget?

If you’re already giving up before you start planning your kitchen remodel because you don’t have a big budget, don’t be discouraged! The secret to home renovations is to change very little and achieve a lot. How? With ingenuity and creativity.
Living in our house for years we tend to memorize its spaces, the appearance, order or disorder of things and suddenly everything seems monotonous, and we think that to achieve a change we must restructure the entire house when in reality it is not. With a small but substantial transformation, we can create a whole new atmosphere, breathe new air and fall in love with our home again. The important thing is to decide what it is that we want to change, which elements will have a greater effect and, above all, which will produce a much more functional and attractive space.
And speaking of it, in this article we give you some tips to renovate it without investing a huge amount of money. Also, on the 800 Remodeling website, you can read kitchen remodel cost estimates so that you know in advance approximately how much money you will need.
1. Buy new benches

If they are heavy, with intense and dark colors, they only hinder the passage of light and the fluidity of traffic.
You can change them, do a garage sale and look for a set of light-colored chairs, wooden backless benches or, much more modern, acrylic benches: they are transparent, look radiant, modern, elegant, sophisticated and help in lighting the place.
2. Change the color
If your kitchen is made of some material that can be covered with paint, be it wood or chipboard, it’s time to change its color. Choose only some elements, tall and slender cabinets, upper cabinets or, if it is a dark and intense color, it is recommended to leave light colors in the upper part. Combine soft colors with intense touches and lean with decorative elements such as fruit bowls, pictures on the wall and curtains or blinds.
3. Integrate a bar

If there is a space where you can put a small table or bar, take advantage of it! You can make it with a wooden plate, which you can cover with stainless steel, melamine, or create your own mosaic with ceramic pieces or tiles. You can embed one side on the outermost part of a countertop or directly on the wall, and on the other end place “legs”, in some furniture stores they already sell these pieces of different dimensions and are only screwed to the wood of the table. Place a couple of benches and you already have a kitchen with a breakfast bar!
4. Integrate a new mosaic
If your kitchen cabinets are installed directly on the wall or the tile you have is already old and discolored, a good investment is to change it and add a new tile, modern, colorful, bright. The investment is not very great since the areas to cover are small: between the worktops and the upper cabinets. You must consider the material and the workmanship, and hire a professional in the field because remember that sometimes the cheap is expensive, in the long run.
Take the opportunity to give the furniture a little hand, polish the doors and the counter, degrease the hood, renew the decorative details and you will see that in a two by three you will feel that you have a new kitchen.
5. Change the style with little detail

You can give it a new vintage or hipster look if you integrate some rustic wooden benches, a pair of industrial-style lamps but in neutral colors such as gray or cream. Trade the handles for pieces of opaque metal or wood, and put curtains instead of doors in the cabinets you have open. The effect will be charming.
6. Integrate lights at special points
You can make a good package of spots or led light strips to illuminate shelves, on certain countertops or in transparent door cabinets. Usually these require a particular electrical system, which would take an extra expense, but there are separate parts with rechargeable batteries that are simply attached, either glued or screwed, and turned on with a small built-in switch. You will not spend much and the result will be bright!
7. Change the worktop for a new bar

You can focus your efforts on a single point in the kitchen: the counter or the bar that delimits the space with the rest of the house. If possible, take the exact measurements and have a piece of granite or stainless steel made but it includes a curved perimeter to one side. Once the piece is ready, install it on the cabinet, leaving the curved part towards the outermost part of the kitchen, and you will have a new functional breakfast bar that will not take away your workspace for food preparation.
8. Change curtains, blinds and shutters

To integrate the colors of the furniture with the windows, you can get rid of the old curtains and install a set of blinds or shutters to measure or renew the curtains with new roller shades. The windows will have a new look, better combined and new.
9. Change the faucet
And finally, a small detail that greatly changes not only the appearance but the functionality of our kitchen: the taps. An excellent investment is to buy new faucets. There are many models with an integrated mixer, with a single key, with separate faucets, with two water outlets, with a hose for lengthening, with different intensities, etc. Your kitchen will work differently with just one detail!

With all these tips, your kitchen will look completely different and new. And you won’t have to spend all the money you have or take loans.