No one wants mold in their homes. Not only is mold disgusting but very bad for your health. A moldy home can cause all sorts of problems, both to the home itself and the safety of those that live in it.
But there is a way to know if your home does indeed have mold. Make sure to follow through with our 7 common signs to know exactly whether that’s the case or not.
So, without further ado, let’s start.
1. Bad Smell Coming From the AC

Your AC or other sources of heating will most likely emit a nasty smell if your home does indeed have mold. That’s because these are the sort of places where mold usually calls home.
Standard AC units are prime spots for growing mold, especially the darker and damper areas. Since warmth attracts it, you will have to check any other heating source.
Naturally, this bad smell is a great indication that you indeed have a problem in your hand. You will also need to track it down and eliminate it as soon as possible.
2. On the Tiles
Tiles in the bathroom, especially the shower room, are another prime places where mold grows. The darker areas of the bathroom are perfect. That’s because mold grows where sunlight can’t reach, and the warmth and moist of the shower amplifies it.
But there is one thing to note here. Unlike the AC one, this mold is rather harmless. Although the fungus can grow anywhere unless you happened to have some sort of plumbing leak, this type of fungus is generally very harmless and very easy to take care of.
The problem comes when these organisms come into a larger body of water. Even if it is your plumbing, do now it will find its way in your home.
3. Peeling Wallpaper

Make no mistake about it, excessive peeling of your wallpaper is a prime sign of mold growth.
While we do understand that wallpaper is prone to discoloration and scruffiness after some time and due to various reasons if you notice a sudden change then you’re most likely dealing with the fungus.
In most cases, you will notice that the wallpaper will form bubbles or resemble cracks. This is the work of the fungus you so desperately want to avoid having.
If the area of the wall has recently been exposed to water, then you can bet your dollar you’re dealing with some sort of fungus.
4. Endless Cold
Now we come to the rather serious sign that your home is infested with mold.
Namely, we mentioned earlier that mold can also be harmful to your health. Well, that is certainly the case as it can cause a running nose and make you constantly sneeze.
In general, the fungus will make you feel like having a cold of some sort. And don’t think for a second that the cold is going away any time soon.
Although this is a highly rare case, having an endless cold is a very common sign of mold. Not only that, but you will constantly feel worse. This can put you in a downwards spiral position of constantly having worsening symptoms. But the easiest way to notice this sudden change of symptoms is to try and spend some time in a room that you think has a mold issue.
If the basement is that room, then go ahead and spend some time. If you notice your symptoms worsening, then you have to call in professionals. Fungus infection is no small issue, and you will need the help of reliable experts to get the job done. For that, make sure to visit Elite Moisture.
5. Dark Colored Spots

This is the absolute easiest way to know whether or not your home has a fungus problem.
And all you need to do to find out is simply have a look around the walls of your home. This could be the ceiling or any other wall. While mold can certainly crack any wall, the easiest way to know whether you’re truly dealing with the fungus is to observe the colors around it.
If you notice particularly darer spots, then you are indeed dealing with a fungus infection. The color shade will be anything from black to green shades, with most being a combination of both.
6. Bad Chimney Smell
We talked about bad or nasty smells being a prime example of fungus. Well, apart from the AC, the chimney is yet another place where fungus usually calls home. The chimney, although we use it for heating, can get quite moist.
When this happens, the bricks around it are prone to catching the fungus and that presents a problem. The bricks, the rusty chimney cap, and other parts of the chimney are extremely prone to infecting. All of these create the perfect environment for the fungus to grow and even thrive. Sooner or later, it will spread to other parts of your home.
Fortunately, there is a way of knowing and uncovering this problem. Namely, all you need to do is simply be on the lookout for weird smells coming out of your chimney.
Once you do notice that, you can either call in professionals or fix the cap and flashing. One thing to note, the mold from the chimney is some of the most toxic out there.
7. Squishy Floor

Is your floor squishy? If so, boy do you have a problem on your hands. If somehow moisture finds its place around the hardwood floor, then you can expect fungus to accumulate after some time. If not dealt with in time, then the section of hardwood will become soft and squishy when you walk on it.
But the problem with mold, as you know, is that it spreads. Not only that, but it spreads very fast, and sooner you’ll find other parts of the floor acting the same.
Don’t risk it and call in professionals to take care of this issue. If you want to do it yourself, then you will need to access the subfloor and you will need to look out for moisture.