A soft and a green lawn is always a wonderful thing and it does not have to be out of each. Each spring, millions of people spend too much time on their weekends trying to maintain and grow the perfect green lawn. However, at times it can be frustrating and will even make you consider to get synthetic grass, but do not worry since we have gathered the best tips to help you grow the perfect lawn.
Prevent weeds from growing before they come up

You have to stop the weeds from growing root in your lawn before they germinate at all by using a herbicide. This type of product can control crabgrass and all the other hard-to-eliminate weeds, by stopping them from sprouting at all in your lawn. You should use this pre-emergent herbicide early in the spring.
Keep in mind, when using lawn care products or lawn treatments, make sure you follow the package directions regarding protective equipment, safety precautions, proper clothing and application procedures.
Eliminate broadleaf weeds after they have sprouted

Broadleaf weeds are those big weeds that are immediately obvious in your lawn. Those bright yellow dandelions, big leaf plantain, and white-flowering clovers are all pretty obvious. To control these weeds, apply granular weed control treatments. If there are only a few of them, you can remove them by hand.
Remember to wait for the heavy morning dew before you apply the granular weed control products. The granules need moisture to stick to the weeds, and dew is exactly what you need.
If you want to avoid all the hassles that come with growing the perfect lawn, check out AViewTurf for high-quality Australian turf.
Mow high and often

Mowing your lawn too short may seem like a time-saver, but this can damage your grass and will allows your weeds to set new roots. Keeping your lawn just a bit taller will result in much healthier grass. The general rule about grass cutting is: Never cut off more than a third of the grass blade.
Keep your mower blade sharp

A dull blade can tear the grass which will result in a ragged edge that will make your lawn look grayish brown. Replace or sharpen the mower blade when it starts showing signs of wear or at least once a season. Although, the frequency of your mowing and the size of your lawn will ultimately dictate how often you should replace or sharpen your blade. Take a look at the grass blades after you have finished mowing. If they are frayed or shredded, then it is time to sharpen it up.
Water in the mornings

The best time to water your lawn is in the early mornings because the sun will help dry your lawn. Nighttime watering can result in prolonged moisture on the grass blades, which can lead to diseases. It is better to water less often but for longer periods. Just wetting the grass does not mean you are watering the grass. You need to soak the lawn so the soil moisture goes down a few inches.