Social media are everywhere. People’s opinion on it is divided, as there’s a lot of bad things going around every day being shared on social media platforms. This is why some people criticize it and avoid it. We’ve all seen the recent scandal with former President Donald Trump. There were things that were nice, and this is why Twitter is often under scrutiny. But, for every bad thing, there’s a good one happening in return. In this article, we are going to stick to good and lovely things. This is why our focus is going to be on the animals. We all love animals as they’re able to make our days more enjoyable. We’re not talking only about are pets we have in real life, but hose that we can encounter on social media platforms such as Twitter. Below you have seven of the best Twitter accounts for animal lovers.
1. Not a Wolf
This is a funny one. Of course, it is, as a comedian is running it. It is a but wolf in humans’ skin, or about a man in a wolf’s one. It’s hard to tell sometimes as it’s covering an array of subjects. The focus is on social issues that humans face in their lives seen through the eyes of this beautiful animal. A comedy at its peak! Not a Wolf has almost two hundred followers, which is a testimony to its quality.
2. Thoughts of Dog
A perfect landing spot for all of you dog lovers. If you are a dog lover who loves all things dog, do follow this account. Dogs are ideal pets, and they have a favorable view of the world. If you are one of the people who adore these animals and believe that we, the humans, could learn from them, you share the sentiment of this account. Trust us; you’re not the only one. There are 3.5 million people who are the same as you. A great community to be a part of.
3. 100% Goats
If there’s was ever a jollier animal, please you tell us. We believe there isn’t, as goats are the ones playful, smiling, little beast of pleasure. The account called just 100% Goats says all about itself we could never compile in a sentence. There’s actually nothing much to say, as the title says it all. All that is left for you is to click on the link below and follow this page, as it offers a fantastic amount of pleasant content. More than three hundred thousand people share this sentiment, and you should go on and become one of them.
4. Just a Bear
Yup! This is it, or that’s that! A page just for bears. Well, not just for bears, for humans too. But, for those being appreciative of this noble animal. You can’t tell too many bad things about bears. On this page, you don’t know any. It’s a person speaking as a bear, in bears’ interest, so it must be a bear. Just check out their posts; you’ll find it hard to believe that behind it is someone else than the leader of all bears. A one with a fantastic sense of humor at that. What more could you possibly ask from a bear. If you’re going to believe this account, there are at least 136.6K bears on Twitter. Or are they bear loving people. Who knows? Great content anyway.
5. BirdsRightsActivist
Here we have one for the ages. It is not wholly English per se, but you’ll get the point. It is a known fact that all birds are lazy in learning how to speak and write appropriately, with parrots excluded from this statement. This is not an actual natural fact, so don’t take us seriously as you shouldn’t this account we are presenting here. It is a bird that is fighting against the world, which is anti-bird. At least some part of the world is, and this page is fighting it with all it has. One of its agendas is to try and run for president. Considering its bird friend Donald Trump managed to do it, we say -why not? Do you know who else is supporting the idea? Almost 450 thousand other Twitter users. Amazing!
6. WeRateDogs
And so do we, and it’s all thanks to this Twitter page. This account is unique because the content comes directly from the followers who send the excellent photos of their dogs. It is a good-feel page as most dogs are rated 10/10. Did we forget to tell you? This is an account that is in the business of rating puppies, both big ones and small ones. The title should have revealed this. When we compare this page to other dog ones on this social network, we need to tell you that it towers high above all the others. This is not an easy task, but with more than seven million followers, it is how things stand. If you are a big fan of the good old doggies, be sure not to miss this account.
7. Dog Solution
Another one with doggies. We must say, Twitter does rate dogs highly. There’s a reason for it – they’re very wise. This is the conclusion you are going to get to when you visit this account. It indeed shows you the thinking side of these animals. Of course, you need to bring your sense of humor because you won’t be able to find a mutual language with these dogs. It shouldn’t be hard as almost 4oo thousand of other people managed it.
As you can see, it is possible to garner a massive following on Twitter with animal content. If this is not the way you are prepared to go, you can always seek help at other places. If this is how you want to do things, you can still get followers differently. How? We won’t tell you, but you can always read more.