4 Mistakes To Avoid When Trading Crude Oil Online

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Due to the many uses of Crude Oil and its significance in today’s world, it has transformed into one of the most valuable commodities in today’s world. Being one of the most crucial commodities, it also has an equally large commodity market. This market is host to several investors who believe in crude oil and think it will make them rich. They are not foolish to do so because the crude oil market does have the potential to give incredible profits if you let it.

The thing is, it has an equally large chance to make you suffer heavy losses. The crude oil market is infamous for being one of the most volatile markets in the world, only surpassed by the cryptocurrency market for its volatility. That is why if you invest in crude oil, you can either make amazing profits or suffer heavy losses – and you will never know which. However, it’s this risk itself that attracts thousands of investors to invest in the crude oil market. They buy futures, CFDs, and even options to have a chance of getting rich by investing in crude oil.

If you too are an experienced trader who is familiar with the crude oil market, understands it thoroughly, and knows when to invest and when to not, then you can click on this go url to get investing in the crude oil market right away. On the other hand, if you are not experienced or don’t understand much about how the market works, we recommend you not to invest in crude oil anywhere. Instead, read this article till the end to see the various mistakes new traders make and avoid making them in your own investments.

1. Trading with too little or too much capital

img source: m.economictimes.com

When it comes to trading, which is a much riskier form of investment than other investments, there need to be hard limits for your expenditure. If these limits are not implemented in place, you can end up in heavy loss. You should never invest in the crude oil market, or any market for that matter, if you are lacking sufficient funds for it. All investors, every single one of them, will tell you one singular thing – do not invest with money that you can’t afford to lose. Investing should always be done with the extra money you have after you don’t count savings.

On the other extreme, the same holds true. Don’t invest too much capital from your side, especially if you are new to investing in the crude oil market. You will only end up with considerable losses and that’s the last thing you want to happen as a new trader. What we recommend is a standard amount that you are okay with losing – may it be $10 or $100. Invest this amount in the crude oil market as practice for future investments. This will give you an idea about timing, the movement of the crude oil market, and investing ethics.

2. Relying too much on indicators and other traders

img source: medium.com

Saying the crude oil market can be predicted is the same as saying I know what will happen in the future. Predicting the crude oil market is a fool’s errand, not because it’s volatile but because it depends on too many real-world factors that can’t be predicted. When you see indicators like MacD and RSI telling you the price prediction, they are actually telling you about the present price movement, and not the future one.

That means if you rely too much on such indicators for your investment, you won’t be able to see the bigger picture and understand whether investing at a given moment is a good idea or not. On a similar basis, going with the mentality of other traders that you know from your networking circles, your family, or online personas shouldn’t always be your primary goal. If you understand the market thoroughly, have a strategy in place, and know where the market will go, why would you still insist on following the herd mentality of other traders? Keep a sound mind and trade at times when only you feel appropriate.

3. Not accepting loss and going into denial

img source: tradedwell.com

The number one cause for the heavy losses that investors face is not because their investments didn’t turn out as they expect, but because they failed to release their investment in time when they did. Thus the number one cause of loss for an investor is not the actual loss itself, but going into a state of denial that often accompanies heavy losses. We strongly recommend not investing in crude oil, or any stock, if you can’t face it when you lose investments.

The crude oil market is a very volatile place and even though one day you might get amazing returns, there is a chance that the next day you’ll lose it all by investing just once. No investor likes having losses but the truth of the matter is that they are going to come whether you want them or not. When you do suffer losses ensure that you keep your emotions in check and cash out. Not cashing out in time and recklessly hoping that the price will start climbing again is a move that costs many traders to lose out big in the crude oil market.

4. Not doing research and not varying your investment portfolio

img source: global.chinadaily.com.cn

All the investments you make should be accompanied by proper and strategized research. If you don’t understand the market thoroughly, how are you going to invest in it expecting to make profits? Don’t jump on the wagon when someone tells you to invest urgently or you might lose the chance of getting rich no matter what happens. Always research the investment first, its history, its movement, and if it’s reliable, and only then invest.

Another similar mistake that most beginner crude oil traders make is failing to diversify their investment portfolio. While futures is the most reliable and standard way of investing in crude oil, it doesn’t mean that you should shy away from investing in CFDs or options. These are great ways of investing in crude oil as well and you should definitely consider them to be a successful crude oil trader.


There are many mistakes that can be avoided to be a successful crude oil trader. If this article helped you out, please consider following our website for regular updates as it will help us out immensely.