If you are about to apply for a job position, you need to have a resume. Its quality is of utmost importance since it will determine whether or not you will be summoned to an interview with the company’s managers. If you have never written this paper, it may seem a bit daunting, but that is why we are here. In the following text, we are going to give you some useful tips that will help you write a rock-solid resume.
Before you start writing, you can look up for some resume templates online. This way you will get the idea of how it is supposed to look once finished. There are numerous samples available on the Internet, and you can easily find the best one for your job application. If you are starting with a template you have to organize it and customized in order not to look just like any other resume, but you do not want to go overboard, because it won’t appear professional.
Since managers usually don’t have time to read an entire paper, and they just scan it, you have to include some keywords. The first rule is not to send the same resume for different job positions, instead customize each one of them. It is always a good idea to have the job description nearby so can include all the right words that will show your potential employer that you possess certain skills and knowledge. Similarly, be concise. Again, there are possibly hundreds of resume which means that you shouldn’t write long sentences and paragraphs, because, the chances are that no one is going to read it. When it comes to its length, some people will say that you should write one-page, others that are should be a two-page resume. If you want to learn more about the pros and cons of both, click here.
Furthermore, grammar is also of crucial importance. If there are any grammatical mistakes, it doesn’t matter how qualified you are, you are not getting that interview. In order to avoid this, double-check, even triple check each paragraph and sentence for any kind of flaw. In addition, do not repeat the same words over and over again. Language is a beautiful thing and it provides you with many different ways to express who you are. Use it and find synonyms.
When it comes to formatting, there are many tools you can use. Emphasize your skills or experience in a certain field with bullet points and white space. If you don’t highlight the most important things in your resume, they might be overlooked. You can also use bolds and italics to underline certain words or phrase, but just be careful not to overuse them. What’s more ensure to apply a legible font, because if you use a font which is too hard to read, you risk the resume being declined immediately. Moreover, you should leave some white space available so that the person reading it can write some notes.
To sum up, as you can see, writing a resume doesn’t have to be so difficult, you just have to take the time to make it perfect. Try to avoid some common mistakes, such as including clip art or photo (unless it is required), false or inaccurate information, too many unnecessary private information, etc.