You can’t quite believe it. You pinch yourself a couple of times just to make sure you’re not dreaming. You double-check the news just to be absolutely certain. And there it is in huge white letters on your tv screen – lockdown has been lifted! Hooray! You don’t know whether to laugh or cry (both with joy obviously).
Months on end spent in quarantine, not knowing when this unfamiliar nightmare will end and being unable to see that much-needed light at the end of the tunnel. Then suddenly that bright, shining light hits you in the face and you have finally woken up from that terrible nightmare.
No more counting down the days till when you can do normal everyday things like having a big group gathering with your friends or enjoying a full day out in the city without a designated outdoor time or curfew.
And absolutely no more racking your brains with how to keep your kids entertained at home without them, or you, going a bit stir crazy being stuck at home for too long.
That is all a thing of the past. Now you are actually free to take yourself, and your kids on a fun-filled adventure that you were all deprived of for so long. Don’t worry if you’re overwhelmed with joy and can’t think of any great plans, check out these top ideas that are sure to get you and your kids having the best time ever. Among these ideas below, there are websites such as americansignletters.com where you can buy letters for signs. With these, you can decorate the rooms for your children and do many other fun activities.
Go to an aerial adventure park

Ever wanted to go ziplining through a national park and feel like you are gliding through the trees? Well now you can at the Aerial Adventure Park, located all around the US, you are sure to find the perfect one located near you. If you are interested in ziplining check out myadventurepark.com.
Filled with ropes courses, high and low bridges, treetops and so much more, it is the perfect day out for the whole family to enjoy, no matter how young or old.
It is great for families to work together and help each other through the trails of rope courses and ziplines, whilst encouraging and supporting one another to combat any fears and working together as a team to complete the course.
And the fun isn’t just during the day, as they keep the park open for their after hours event called Glow in the Park, where you and your family are able to enjoy the same fun at night just with the addition of glow LED lights and pumping music.
Go on a family camping trip

Being confined indoors for too long can have its toll on anyone, young or old. So get your kids to really enjoy the great outdoors again by taking them on a fun-filled family camping trip.
Camping offers so many great outdoor activities, such as lake fishing and swimming, hiking in the woods, and building outdoor fires to make those all-important and essential delicious s’ mores.
It also allows for great team bonding when assembling tents and collecting wood for the outdoor fire. It really has something to accommodate everyone on a family adventure together.
Go to a theme park

There is no better excuse to let out your inner child than by taking your kids to an adrenaline-filled theme park filled with all types of roller coasters, rides and games for the whole family to enjoy.
You don’t seem to experience that sense of thrill or gut-wrenching excitement like you do when you’re at a theme park, especially with your kids.
Push each other to the limit with going on all the rides you physically can in that one day, take on each other in challenges and games to win those all-important prizes, and make some unforgettable memories as you enjoy each other’s company in some of the most exciting places on earth!
And don’t forget about the great food and confectioneries you can fill up on (just make sure to do it after you go on the particularly larger rides and roller coasters).
Go to an arcade

Nothing brings out some good old, healthy family competition than taking your kids out to the arcade.
Get your kids moving and shaking with so many interactive and physically filled activities to take part in – from dance machines to laser quests, there are so many great age-friendly fun games to play with your kids.
Bowling is another great family activity to do with your kids, of any age, and is usually found in most arcades so the fun can carry on for even longer.
Go to the movies

I know what you’re thinking, you’ve just spent weeks at home watching endless hours of movies on Netflix and binging every new release that comes out on TV.
But with lockdown came the closure of so many of our favorite establishments, and that includes movie theatres.
There is a kind of novelty when it comes to going to a wide-screen movie theater, buying some sweet and salty popcorn (always both, mixed) and a large ice-blast to enjoy a new release on the wide-screen.
So give in to your nostalgia and take your kids to watch a movie (age-appropriate of course).
Go out for a family meal to your favorite restaurant

Along with movie theatres, our favorite restaurants were also amongst the establishments that were forced to shut during the lockdown period.
You may have a family favorite that you, your partner, and kids love to go to on a regular basis or look forward to visiting on special occasions. Or there may be that restaurant that you have always wanted to try out but were stopped in your tracks by the lockdown.
Take a much-needed break from cooking and thinking up new recipes to keep things freshly exciting and healthy at home, and go out for a treat yourselves to a family meal at your favorite restaurant.
You’ll appreciate the break of cooking and washing up, and the family time over some good food is a huge added bonus.