Photography used to be a niche activity, reserved for those lucky enough to have the equipment and the skill. The advent of the mobile phone, in particular, the smartphone, has changed the landscape somewhat and now if you have a phone, you have a camera and thus everyone thinks they can take pictures. Of course, they can but should you really be relying on just anyone’s pictures (even if they are your own!), taken with any old camera to promote your business? Photography is a skill and when your business prospects rely on it, it makes sense to seek out people who know what they are doing and can offer you a professional product photography experience. For more information about a product, photography visit ClickStudios.com.
How your products look online impacts your sales. Research shows that visual content is more likely to be shared across online platforms than any other medium and one of the main reasons for people returning items bought online is because ‘they looked different than the photos’. There you have it – professional product photography matters! Quality, professional-looking pictures can improve your online connections, engagement and ultimately, your business. Here we explore how a professional product photography service can add value to your business. So if you care about your business, hire a professional or learn how take photos professionally from tops online photography courses, like these ones offered by Sleeklens.
Attention seeking

Beautifully captured pictures grab people’s attention. A picture worth stopping and clicking ‘like’ on isn’t a picture that is a little blurry, has light shadows and is overshadowed by that plant! Professional product photography can give you pictures that force people to stop, stare, share and get involved. The photographer will be able to advise on the best lighting for your products and of course the background.
Filters are popular at the moment but all they do is detract from the actual subject of the photograph. A professional product photographer focuses on showcasing the item in all its glory without any excuses.
It’s all in the details

When customers receive their product they want the satisfaction that they’ve bought exactly the right thing. Professional product photography can show off your goods in all their glory. People want to see the detail. They want to be able to see the product from all different angles, they want to understand and be able to feel the various textures used through the screen. You can achieve this level of interaction by using professional product photography.
A professional product photography service can use their experience to enhance the reach of your goods by presenting your products in different contexts and environments so that your customers better understand their application. Once you’ve done that, you’re halfway to a sale already!
Time is money

People browse online platforms on breaks from work, on a bus/train journey, in a waiting room – basically anywhere to pass time – but time is precious. To ensure that you achieve sales from what little time people spend on your site/page, your product photography has to highlight all the information they need; what colours are available, what sizes, what is the best feature – professional product photography can make this happens while still making sure the picture of the product is the real star.
Image is branding

Photography of your products has an impact on your image. Your image is important for your business brand. Customers can get a feel for the type of business you are by the quality of your visual content. Professional product photography can create a whole visual library of your products that is specific to the platform you are selling/promoting on while still retaining the same look and feel so that your brand can be recognized. What works for Facebook won’t necessarily work for Instagram or Amazon – product photography can support this.
What’s more, a well-presented picture of your product could be the difference between someone buying from you rather than your competitor. That’s the difference a product photography service can make!
A better overall shopping experience
If your customers can’t physically see and touch your products, give them the next best thing by investing in a professional product photography service that will take your business to the next level.