Realistic Expectations for Laser Hair Removal

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Men and women looking for long term reduction of body hair have turned to laser hair removal for years. The process requires a beam of laser energy directed at the coloring, or melanin, present in hair. The laser heats hair follicles which triggers the resting phase, so the follicle no longer produces hair.

You’re going to need multiple sessions to address the hair coverage in any given area adequately. Hair grows in phases, and the laser treatment is only useful on the follicles that are currently active. Don’t expect the removal of 100 percent of the hair on the treated area in the first session.

Who will get the best out of laser hair removal?

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The efficacy of laser hair removal does not depend on gender. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to remove hair on your underarms, chest, face, or earlobes, men and women have hair in the same places, and thus the same laser treatment is used.

However, pigmentation of the hair does play an essential role in results. Laser hair removal is most useful for people with light skin and dark hair. The laser targets dark hair more efficiently and with the goal being to get the hair to absorb the light of the laser, not the skin means having light skin renders the process more effective. Ultimately, when it comes to realistic expectations for laser hair removal, if you have very little pigment, which is common in men and women with light red, blonde, or white hair, the process is less effective.

How many treatments will I need?

For removal of 100 percent of hair in a given area, the provider schedules a series of treatments. After the initial sequence is complete, some maintenance treatments will also be required to achieve and maintain optimal results. Mostly, if you’re looking to get rid of unwanted hair, you have to be committed to the process. As time goes on, the maintenance sessions spread further and further apart and eventually may or may not end on a case-by-case basis.

What can I realistically expect after treatment?

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After your first session, you may walk out of the office thinking you’re strolling with razor smooth skin with not a hair in sight. But, that’s not what’s going to happen. There will still be hair; you may not even notice that you’ve undergone laser hair removal at all, especially since some patients only see a 10 percent reduction in hair after session one. After multiple sessions, the number of which can only be determined on a patient by patient basis, you’ll notice hair in the treatment area is thinner and lighter. The reduction in thickness lasts for an extended period, but, keep in mind that maintenance treatments are required to maintain the new smooth skin.

How often our laser hair removal treatment required?

At the start of treatment, your schedule of laser hair removal appointments is approximately four to six weeks apart. It typically takes between six and 12 treatments per area to remove enough hair to substantially lessen the need for waxing, shaving, or other means of hair removal.

Are there any risks of laser hair removal?

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Even though laser hair removal is a noninvasive process, it is essential for the laser operator to be experienced and skilled in the proper use of the device. Improper use can lead to burns and, in rare cases, scars. This is why it is critical to choose a caregiver that is well-trained in the process and how to determine the proper laser treatment for you that’s safe and effective.

The amount of melanin will determine your treatment and results in skin and hair and hair texture hair on the treatment area. It’s crucial to give yourself the best in care, which is why seeking an experienced professional who only passes along realistic expectations and not a provider that attempts to convince you that after those six to 12 treatments, you’ll never need to revisit the office.