Why become a hairdresser? When did you become sure it was a craft for you? You may have loved editing your friends or puppets as a kid, and many of you are naturally very creative individuals who are offered the opportunity to create and develop their ideas. If so, then this topic will certainly interest you.
From Childhood Fantasy To Reality
Ever since we were kids, we liked to dress up and makeup. We are inspired by colors, drawing, handicrafts. We try to make our hairstyles, makeup creations, clothing combinations, etc. We make braids, experiment with different hairstyles and colors. Over time, we take care of our hair more and more, and we realize that beautiful and nourished hair requires much more knowledge and experience.
Going to a hairstylist, you get the desire to become one. To be someone who will beautify others, someone who will always be there for others. And have you ever wondered what do you need to know before you decide to become a hairdresser? Here are some things you need to know if you want to become a hairdresser.
1. Think About Education And Where To Get The Best Knowledge

In recent decades, there has been a massive opening of various hairdressing academies, courses, etc. Various newspapers have started to publish texts about how lucrative and ideal it is to be a hairdresser. Everyone found the opportunity to “make” money fast and easy. Have you wondered how many of them are worth it? Where will you acquire the best skills? The key is to know that no academy, no expert will teach you so much that you can call yourself a professional. It takes your desire and a great deal of effort while attending courses and after – to become a good hairdresser.
2. You Have To Constantly Improve
What do you need to know before you decide to become a hairdresser? Do not expect that you will have enough education for a hairdresser you have acquired through full-time education or at one of the academies. It takes a lot of practice, attended seminars, completed additional training. Like technology and development in many industries, hairdressing skills are changing. You need to follow them if you want to be a top hairdresser. If you do not strive for the above, you are very likely to lose clients.
3. You Need To Be Interested In Fashion

To survive in every business you need to love it. It is advisable that every day when you go to work, you do it out of love. That constant desire to work will help you with everything that makes a good hairdresser. Clients will come to you wherever they are, precisely because they see your love for the profession. You have to keep up with professional advancement and fashion in general. Therefore, ask yourself: Do you think you have a sense of fashion?
Is this really an industry for you? Keep in mind it is not as easy as it may seem. According to Hera Hair Beauty, you must be truly devoted to this profession and ensure you provide the best service. You must keep up with the latest fashion trends and work as a creative and innovative team.
4. You’ll Be On Your Feet Throughout The Day

In a beauty salon or hair salon, there is no time to sit around. It’s not an office job – it’s a job where you have to be on your feet constantly. Especially if you have customers all the time. You will be standing by the hour as clients change, whether they come just for hairstyling or a complete hair change. Therefore, the advice is to take some time off from work. Take the time to relax, massage, train and get in shape so you can keep up the pace.
5. Expect To Have Dissatisfied Clients As Well
As with other services, you will receive criticism, both positive and negative. You will need to stay professional and learn how to satisfy clients and do what they want. Remember – you will make money from clients and that is why their judgment is paramount to you. No worries, because over time and of course with your efforts, you will become more experienced in it.
6. You Have To Be Pleasant

No matter if you had a rough night, what may be your problems or how long have you been on your feet – you must always have a smile on your face and be available to clients. Besides a pleasant mood, you also need to have a pleasant appearance. You have to be clean and fragrant. No one will let his head and beauty in the hands of someone who does not take care of personal hygiene.
7. You’ll Have To Get A Routine
Hair is difficult to restrain – especially when working with someone else’s hair. It will take a lot of practice to know how to handle each new client. As you win them over, it will become a routine for you. The practice is the most important detail when becoming a professional hairstylist. Be prepared for it.
8. You Will Work Overtime

In most hair salons, working hours are long. Count on working between 8-10 hours, 6 days a week. What you need to know is that if you have not completed your client and your working hours have passed – you must stay overtime. You may also need to arrive before opening hours to get your clients ready for a wedding or some other special event.
9. Injuries May Happen To You
There is a lot of risk in the hairdressing profession from injuries. You may happen to be cut by scissors or get burned. Also, allergic reactions to some preparations may occur. For these reasons, you have to be very proficient in order not to endanger your safety or accidentally the client.
10. As A Hairstylist, You Will Get The Opportunity To Develop Your Communication Skills

To be a successful hairdresser, you need to master a lot of skills. You need to know the basics of psychology while also being able to organize your time and your finances. Hairdressing also offers you many opportunities to develop other ambitions. Throughout the career, many people focus more on the salon business and some are more dedicated to creating the avant-garde or educating fellow hairdressers. Wherever your life as a hairstylist takes you – know that you will need to be skilled in many areas.